Luke 5 (kjv)
AndG1161 it came to passG1096, that, asG1722 the peopleG3793 pressed uponG1945 himG846 to hearG191 the wordG3056 of GodG2316,G2532 heG846 stoodG2258 G2476 byG3844 the lakeG3041 of GennesaretG1082,2AndG2532 sawG1492 twoG1417 shipsG4143 standingG2476 byG3844 the lakeG3041: butG1161 the fishermenG231 were goneG576 out ofG575 themG846, and were washingG637 their netsG1350.3AndG1161 he enteredG1684 intoG1519 oneG1520 of the shipsG4143, whichG3739 wasG2258 Simon'sG4613, and prayedG2065 himG846 that he would thrust outG1877 a littleG3641 fromG575 the landG1093. AndG2532 he sat downG2523, and taughtG1321 the peopleG3793 out ofG1537 the shipG4143.4NowG1161 whenG5613 he had leftG3973 speakingG2980, he saidG2036 untoG4314 SimonG4613, Launch outG1877 intoG1519 the deepG899, andG2532 let downG5465 yourG5216 netsG1350 forG1519 a draughtG61.5AndG2532 SimonG4613 answeringG611 saidG2036 unto himG846, MasterG1988, we have toiledG2872 allG3650 G1223 the nightG3571, and have takenG2983 nothingG3762: neverthelessG1161 atG1909 thyG4675 wordG4487 I will let downG5465 the netG1350.6AndG2532 when they hadG4160 thisG5124 doneG4160, they inclosedG4788 a greatG4183 multitudeG4128 of fishesG2486: andG1161 theirG846 netG1350 brakeG1284.7AndG2532 they beckonedG2656 unto their partnersG3353, whichG3588 were inG1722 the otherG2087 shipG4143, that they should comeG2064 and helpG4815 themG846. AndG2532 they cameG2064, andG2532 filledG4130 bothG297 the shipsG4143, soG5620 that theyG846 began to sinkG1036.8WhenG1161 SimonG4613 PeterG4074 sawG1492 it, he fell down atG4363 JesusG2424' kneesG1119, sayingG3004, DepartG1831 fromG575 meG1700; forG3754 I amG1510 a sinfulG268 manG435, O LordG2962.9ForG1063 heG846 was astonishedG4023 G2285, andG2532 allG3956 that wereG4862 with himG846, atG1909 the draughtG61 of the fishesG2486 whichG3739 they had takenG4815:10AndG1161 soG3668 was alsoG2532 JamesG2385, andG2532 JohnG2491, the sonsG5207 of ZebedeeG2199, whichG3739 wereG2258 partnersG2844 with SimonG4613. AndG2532 JesusG2424 saidG2036 untoG4314 SimonG4613, FearG5399 notG3361; fromG575 henceforthG3568 thou shaltG2071 catchG2221 menG444.11AndG2532 when they had broughtG2609 their shipsG4143 toG1909 landG1093, they forsookG863 allG537, and followedG190 himG846.12AndG2532 it came to passG1096, when heG846 wasG1511 G1722 inG1722 a certainG3391 cityG4172,G2532 beholdG2400 a manG435 fullG4134 of leprosyG3014: whoG2532 seeingG1492 JesusG2424 fellG4098 onG1909 his faceG4383, and besoughtG1189 himG846, sayingG3004, LordG2962, ifG1437 thou wiltG2309, thou canstG1410 makeG2511 meG3165 cleanG2511.13AndG2532 he put forthG1614 his handG5495, and touchedG680 himG846, sayingG2036, I willG2309: be thou cleanG2511. AndG2532 immediatelyG2112 the leprosyG3014 departedG565 fromG575 himG846.14AndG2532 heG846 chargedG3853 himG846 to tellG2036 no manG3367: butG235 goG565, and shewG1166 thyselfG4572 to the priestG2409, andG2532 offerG4374 forG4012 thyG4675 cleansingG2512, according asG2531 MosesG3475 commandedG4367, forG1519 a testimonyG3142 unto themG846.15ButG1161 so much the moreG3123 went thereG1330 a fameG3056 abroadG1330 ofG4012 himG846: andG2532 greatG4183 multitudesG3793 came togetherG4905 to hearG191, andG2532 to be healedG2323 byG5259 himG846 ofG575 theirG846 infirmitiesG769.16AndG1161 he withdrewG2258 G5298 himselfG846 intoG1722 the wildernessG2048, andG2532 prayedG4336.17AndG2532 it came to passG1096 onG1722 a certainG3391 dayG2250, asG2532 heG846 wasG2258 teachingG1321, thatG2532 there wereG2258 PhariseesG5330 andG2532 doctors of the lawG3547 sitting byG2521, whichG3739 wereG2258 comeG2064 out ofG1537 everyG3956 townG2968 of GalileeG1056, andG2532 JudaeaG2449, andG2532 JerusalemG2419: andG2532 the powerG1411 of the LordG2962 wasG2258 present toG1519 healG2390 themG846.18AndG2532, beholdG2400, menG435 broughtG5342 inG1909 a bedG2825 a manG444 whichG3739 wasG2258 taken with a palsyG3886: andG2532 they soughtG2212 means to bringG1533 himG846 inG1533, andG2532 to layG5087 him beforeG1799 himG846.19AndG2532 when they couldG2147 notG3361 findG2147 byG1223 whatG4169 way they might bringG1533 himG846 inG1533 becauseG1223 of the multitudeG3793, they wentG305 uponG1909 the housetopG1430, and letG2524 himG846 downG2524 throughG1223 the tilingG2766 withG4862 his couchG2826 intoG1519 the midstG3319 beforeG1715 JesusG2424.20AndG2532 when he sawG1492 theirG846 faithG4102, he saidG2036 unto himG846, ManG444, thyG4675 sinsG266 are forgivenG863 theeG4671.21AndG2532 the scribesG1122 andG2532 the PhariseesG5330 beganG756 to reasonG1260, sayingG3004, WhoG5101 isG2076 thisG3778 whichG3739 speakethG2980 blasphemiesG988? WhoG5101 canG1410 forgiveG863 sinsG266, butG1508 GodG2316 aloneG3441?22ButG1161 when JesusG2424 perceivedG1921 theirG846 thoughtsG1261, he answeringG611 saidG2036 untoG4314 themG846, WhatG5101 reason yeG1260 inG1722 yourG5216 heartsG2588?23WhetherG5101 isG2076 easierG2123, to sayG2036, ThyG4675 sinsG266 be forgivenG863 theeG4671; orG2228 to sayG2036, Rise upG1453 andG2532 walkG4043?24ButG1161 thatG2443 ye may knowG1492 thatG3754 the SonG5207 of manG444 hathG2192 powerG1849 uponG1909 earthG1093 to forgiveG863 sinsG266, (he saidG2036 unto the sick of the palsyG3886 I sayG3004 unto theeG4671, AriseG1453, andG2532 take upG142 thyG4675 couchG2826, and goG4198 intoG1519 thineG4675 houseG3624.25AndG2532 immediatelyG3916 he rose upG450 beforeG1799 themG846, and took upG142 that whereonG1909 G3739 he layG2621, and departedG565 toG1519 his ownG846 houseG3624, glorifyingG1392 GodG2316.26AndG2532 they wereG2983 allG537 amazedG1611, andG2532 they glorifiedG1392 GodG2316, andG2532 were filledG4130 with fearG5401, sayingG3004,G3754 We have seenG1492 strange thingsG3861 to dayG4594.27AndG2532 afterG3326 these thingsG5023 he went forthG1831, andG2532 sawG2300 a publicanG5057, namedG3686 LeviG3018, sittingG2521 atG1909 the receipt of customG5058: andG2532 he saidG2036 unto himG846, FollowG190 meG3427.28AndG2532 he leftG2641 allG537, rose upG450, and followedG190 himG846.29AndG2532 LeviG3018 madeG4160 himG846 a greatG3173 feastG1403 inG1722 his ownG846 houseG3614: andG2532 there wasG2258 a greatG4183 companyG3793 of publicansG5057 andG2532 of othersG243 thatG3739 sat downG2258 G2621 withG3326 themG846.30ButG2532 theirG846 scribesG1122 andG2532 PhariseesG5330 murmuredG1111 againstG4314 hisG846 disciplesG3101, sayingG3004, WhyG1302 do ye eatG2068 andG2532 drinkG4095 withG3326 publicansG5057 andG2532 sinnersG268?31AndG2532 JesusG2424 answeringG611 saidG2036 untoG4314 themG846, They that are wholeG5198 needG5532 G2192 notG3756 a physicianG2395; butG235 they that areG2192 sickG2560.32I cameG2064 notG3756 to callG2564 the righteousG1342, butG235 sinnersG268 toG1519 repentanceG3341.33AndG1161 they saidG2036 untoG4314 himG846, WhyG1302 doG3522 the disciplesG3101 of JohnG2491 fastG3522 oftenG4437, andG2532 makeG4160 prayersG1162, andG2532 likewiseG3668 the disciplesG3588 of the PhariseesG5330; butG1161 thineG4674 eatG2068 andG2532 drinkG4095?34AndG1161 he saidG2036 untoG4314 themG846,G3361 Can yeG1410 makeG4160 the childrenG5207 of the bridechamberG3567 fastG3522, whileG3739 G1722 the bridegroomG3566 isG2076 withG3326 themG846?35ButG1161 the daysG2250 will comeG2064, whenG3752 G2532 the bridegroomG3566 shall be taken awayG522 fromG575 themG846, and thenG5119 shall they fastG3522 inG1722 thoseG1565 daysG2250.36AndG1161 he spakeG3004 alsoG2532 a parableG3850 untoG4314 themG846;G3754 No manG3762 puttethG1911 a pieceG1915 of a newG2537 garmentG2440 uponG1909 an oldG2440 G3820; if otherwise, thenG1490 bothG2532 the newG2537 maketh a rentG4977, andG2532 the pieceG1915 that was taken out ofG575 the newG2537 agreethG4856 notG3756 with the oldG3820.37AndG2532 no manG3762 puttethG906 newG3501 wineG3631 intoG1519 oldG3820 bottlesG779; elseG1490 the newG3501 wineG3631 will burstG4486 the bottlesG779, andG2532 G846 be spilledG1632, andG2532 the bottlesG779 shall perishG622.38ButG235 newG3501 wineG3631 must be putG992 intoG1519 newG2537 bottlesG779; andG2532 bothG297 are preservedG4933.39No manG3762 alsoG2532 having drunkG4095 oldG3820 wine straightwayG2112 desirethG2309 newG3501: forG1063 he saithG3004, The oldG3820 isG2076 betterG5543.