Isaiah 59 (kjv)
BeholdH2005, the LORD'SH3068 handH3027 is not shortenedH7114, that it cannot saveH3467; neither his earH241 heavyH3513, that it cannot hearH8085:2But your iniquitiesH5771 have separatedH914 betweenH996 you and your GodH430, and your sinsH2403 have hidH5641 his faceH6440 from you, that he will not hearH8085.3For your handsH3709 are defiledH1351 with bloodH1818, and your fingersH676 with iniquityH5771; your lipsH8193 have spokenH1696 liesH8267, your tongueH3956 hath mutteredH1897 perversenessH5766.4None callethH7121 for justiceH6664, nor any pleadethH8199 for truthH530: they trustH982 in vanityH8414, and speakH1696 liesH7723; they conceiveH2029 mischiefH5999, and bring forthH3205 iniquityH205.5They hatchH1234 cockatriceH6848' eggsH1000, and weaveH707 the spider'sH5908 webH6980: he that eatethH398 of their eggsH1000 diethH4191, and that which is crushedH2116 breaketh outH1234 into a viperH660.6Their websH6980 shall not become garmentsH899, neither shall they coverH3680 themselves with their worksH4639: their worksH4639 are worksH4639 of iniquityH205, and the actH6467 of violenceH2555 is in their handsH3709.7Their feetH7272 runH7323 to evilH7451, and they make hasteH4116 to shedH8210 innocentH5355 bloodH1818: their thoughtsH4284 are thoughtsH4284 of iniquityH205; wastingH7701 and destructionH7667 are in their pathsH4546.8The wayH1870 of peaceH7965 they knowH3045 not; and there is no judgmentH4941 in their goingsH4570: they have made them crookedH6140 pathsH5410: whosoever goethH1869 therein shall not knowH3045 peaceH7965.9Therefore is judgmentH4941 farH7368 from us, neither doth justiceH6666 overtakeH5381 us: we waitH6960 for lightH216, but behold obscurityH2822; for brightnessH5054, but we walkH1980 in darknessH653.10We gropeH1659 for the wallH7023 like the blindH5787, and we gropeH1659 as if we had no eyesH5869: we stumbleH3782 at noondayH6672 as in the nightH5399; we are in desolateH820 places as deadH4191 men.11We roarH1993 all like bearsH1677, and mournH1897 soreH1897 like dovesH3123: we lookH6960 for judgmentH4941, but there is none; for salvationH3444, but it is far offH7368 from us.12For our transgressionsH6588 are multipliedH7231 before thee, and our sinsH2403 testifyH6030 against us: for our transgressionsH6588 are with us; and as for our iniquitiesH5771, we knowH3045 them;13In transgressingH6586 and lyingH3584 against the LORDH3068, and departing awayH5253 fromH310 our GodH430, speakingH1696 oppressionH6233 and revoltH5627, conceivingH2029 and utteringH1897 from the heartH3820 wordsH1697 of falsehoodH8267.14And judgmentH4941 is turned awayH5253 backwardH268, and justiceH6666 standethH5975 afar offH7350: for truthH571 is fallenH3782 in the streetH7339, and equityH5229 cannotH3201 enterH935.15Yea, truthH571 failethH5737; and he that departethH5493 from evilH7451 maketh himself a preyH7997: and the LORDH3068 sawH7200 it, and it displeasedH3415 H5869 him that there was no judgmentH4941.
16And he sawH7200 that there was no manH376, and wonderedH8074 that there was no intercessorH6293: therefore his armH2220 brought salvationH3467 unto him; and his righteousnessH6666, it sustainedH5564 him.17For he put onH3847 righteousnessH6666 as a breastplateH8302, and an helmetH3553 of salvationH3444 upon his headH7218; and he put onH3847 the garmentsH899 of vengeanceH5359 for clothingH8516, and was cladH5844 with zealH7068 as a clokeH4598.18According toH5921 their deedsH1578, accordingly he will repayH7999, furyH2534 to his adversariesH6862, recompenceH1576 to his enemiesH341; to the islandsH339 he will repayH7999 recompenceH1576.19So shall they fearH3372 the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068 from the westH4628, and his gloryH3519 from the risingH4217 of the sunH8121. When the enemyH6862 shall come inH935 like a floodH5104, the SpiritH7307 of the LORDH3068 shall lift up a standardH5127 against him.
20And the RedeemerH1350 shall comeH935 to ZionH6726, and unto them that turnH7725 from transgressionH6588 in JacobH3290, saithH5002 the LORDH3068.21As for me, this is my covenantH1285 with them, saithH559 the LORDH3068; My spiritH7307 that is upon thee, and my wordsH1697 which I have putH7760 in thy mouthH6310, shall not departH4185 out of thy mouthH6310, nor out of the mouthH6310 of thy seedH2233, nor out of the mouthH6310 of thy seed'sH2233 seedH2233, saithH559 the LORDH3068, from henceforth and forH5704 everH5769.