II Chronicles 19 (kjv)
And JehoshaphatH3092 the kingH4428 of JudahH3063 returnedH7725 to his houseH1004 in peaceH7965 to JerusalemH3389.2And JehuH3058 the sonH1121 of HananiH2607 the seerH2374 went outH3318 to meetH6440 him, and saidH559 to kingH4428 JehoshaphatH3092, Shouldest thou helpH5826 the ungodlyH7563, and loveH157 them that hateH8130 the LORDH3068? thereforeH2063 is wrathH7110 upon thee from beforeH6440 the LORDH3068.3NeverthelessH61 there are goodH2896 thingsH1697 foundH4672 in thee, in that thou hast taken awayH1197 the grovesH842 out of the landH776, and hast preparedH3559 thine heartH3824 to seekH1875 GodH430.4And JehoshaphatH3092 dweltH3427 at JerusalemH3389: and he went outH3318 againH7725 through the peopleH5971 from BeershebaH884 to mountH2022 EphraimH669, and brought them backH7725 unto the LORDH3068 GodH430 of their fathersH1.
5And he setH5975 judgesH8199 in the landH776 throughout all the fencedH1219 citiesH5892 of JudahH3063, cityH5892 by cityH5892,6And saidH559 to the judgesH8199, Take heedH7200 what ye doH6213: for ye judgeH8199 not for manH120, but for the LORDH3068, who is with you in the judgmentH1697 H4941.7Wherefore now let the fearH6343 of the LORDH3068 be upon you; take heedH8104 and doH6213 it: for there is no iniquityH5766 with the LORDH3068 our GodH430, nor respectH4856 of personsH6440, nor takingH4727 of giftsH7810.
8Moreover in JerusalemH3389 did JehoshaphatH3092 setH5975 of the LevitesH3881, and of the priestsH3548, and of the chiefH7218 of the fathersH1 of IsraelH3478, for the judgmentH4941 of the LORDH3068, and for controversiesH7379, when they returnedH7725 to JerusalemH3389.9And he chargedH6680 them, sayingH559, Thus shall ye doH6213 in the fearH3374 of the LORDH3068, faithfullyH530, and with a perfectH8003 heartH3824.10And what causeH7379 soever shall comeH935 to you of your brethrenH251 that dwellH3427 in their citiesH5892, between bloodH1818 and bloodH1818, between lawH8451 and commandmentH4687, statutesH2706 and judgmentsH4941, ye shall even warnH2094 them that they trespassH816 not against the LORDH3068, and so wrathH7110 come upon you, and upon your brethrenH251: thisH3541 doH6213, and ye shall not trespassH816.11And, behold, AmariahH568 the chiefH7218 priestH3548 is over you in all mattersH1697 of the LORDH3068; and ZebadiahH2069 the sonH1121 of IshmaelH3458, the rulerH5057 of the houseH1004 of JudahH3063, for all the king'sH4428 mattersH1697: also the LevitesH3881 shall be officersH7860 beforeH6440 you. DealH6213 courageouslyH2388, and the LORDH3068 shall be with the goodH2896.