Hebrews 3 (kjv)
WhereforeG3606, holyG40 brethrenG80, partakersG3353 of the heavenlyG2032 callingG2821, considerG2657 the ApostleG652 andG2532 High PriestG749 of ourG2257 professionG3671, ChristG5547 JesusG2424;2Who wasG5607 faithfulG4103 to him that appointedG4160 himG846, asG5613 alsoG2532 MosesG3475 was faithful inG1722 allG3650 hisG846 houseG3624.3ForG1063 thisG3778 man was counted worthyG515 of moreG4119 gloryG1391 thanG3844 MosesG3475, inasmuch asG2596 G3745 he who hath buildedG2680 the houseG3624 hath moreG4119 honourG5092 thanG2192 the houseG846.4ForG1063 everyG3956 houseG3624 is buildedG2680 byG5259 someG5100 man; butG1161 he that builtG2680 all thingsG3956 is GodG2316.5AndG2532 MosesG3475 verilyG3303 was faithfulG4103 inG1722 allG3650 hisG846 houseG3624, asG5613 a servantG2324, forG1519 a testimonyG3142 of those things which were to be spoken afterG2980;6ButG1161 ChristG5547 asG5613 a sonG5207 overG1909 his ownG846 houseG3624; whoseG3739 houseG3624 areG2070 weG2249, ifG1437 G4007 we hold fastG2722 the confidenceG3954 andG2532 the rejoicingG2745 of the hopeG1680 firmG949 untoG3360 the endG5056.7WhereforeG1352 (asG2531 the HolyG40 GhostG4151 saithG3004, To dayG4594 ifG1437 ye will hearG191 hisG846 voiceG5456,8HardenG4645 notG3361 yourG5216 heartsG2588, asG5613 inG1722 the provocationG3894, inG2596 the dayG2250 of temptationG3986 inG1722 the wildernessG2048:9WhenG3757 yourG5216 fathersG3962 temptedG3985 meG3165, provedG1381 meG3165, andG2532 sawG1492 myG3450 worksG2041 fortyG5062 yearsG2094.10WhereforeG1352 I was grievedG4360 with thatG1565 generationG1074, andG2532 saidG2036, They doG4105 alwayG104 errG4105 in their heartG2588; andG1161 theyG846 haveG1097 notG3756 knownG1097 myG3450 waysG3598.11SoG5613 I swareG3660 inG1722 myG3450 wrathG3709, They shallG1525 notG1487 enterG1525 intoG1519 myG3450 restG2663.)12Take heedG991, brethrenG80, lestG3379 there beG2071 inG1722 anyG5100 of youG5216 an evilG4190 heartG2588 of unbeliefG570, inG1722 departingG868 fromG575 the livingG2198 GodG2316.13ButG235 exhortG3870 one anotherG1438 dailyG2596 G1538 G2250, whileG891 G3739 it is calledG2564 To dayG4594; lestG3363 anyG5100 ofG1537 youG5216 be hardenedG4645 through the deceitfulnessG539 of sinG266.14ForG1063 we are madeG1096 partakersG3353 of ChristG5547, ifG1437 G4007 we holdG2722 the beginningG746 of our confidenceG5287 stedfastG949 untoG3360 the endG5056;15WhileG1722 it is saidG3004, To dayG4594 ifG1437 ye will hearG191 hisG846 voiceG5456, hardenG4645 notG3361 yourG5216 heartsG2588, asG5613 inG1722 the provocationG3894.16ForG1063 someG5100, when they had heardG191, did provokeG3893: howbeitG235 notG3756 allG3956 that cameG1831 out ofG1537 EgyptG125 byG1223 MosesG3475.17ButG1161 with whomG5101 was he grievedG4360 fortyG5062 yearsG2094? was it notG3780 with them that had sinnedG264, whoseG3739 carcasesG2966 fellG4098 inG1722 the wildernessG2048?18AndG1161 to whomG5101 sware heG3660 that they shouldG1525 notG3361 enterG1525 intoG1519 hisG846 restG2663, butG1508 to them that believed notG544?19SoG2532 we seeG991 thatG3754 they couldG1410 notG3756 enter inG1525 becauseG1223 of unbeliefG570.