Ephesians 1 (kjv)
PaulG3972, an apostleG652 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547 byG1223 the willG2307 of GodG2316, to the saintsG40 which areG5607 atG1722 EphesusG2181, andG2532 to the faithfulG4103 inG1722 ChristG5547 JesusG2424:2GraceG5485 be to youG5213, andG2532 peaceG1515, fromG575 GodG2316 ourG2257 FatherG3962, andG2532 from the LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547.3BlessedG2128 be the GodG2316 andG2532 FatherG3962 of ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547, whoG3588 hath blessedG2127 usG2248 withG1722 allG3956 spiritualG4152 blessingsG2129 inG1722 heavenlyG2032 places inG1722 ChristG5547:4According asG2531 he hath chosenG1586 usG2248 inG1722 himG846 beforeG4253 the foundationG2602 of the worldG2889, that weG2248 should beG1511 holyG40 andG2532 without blameG299 beforeG2714 himG846 inG1722 loveG26:5Having predestinatedG4309 usG2248 untoG1519 the adoption of childrenG5206 byG1223 JesusG2424 ChristG5547 toG1519 himselfG846, accordingG2596 to the good pleasureG2107 of hisG846 willG2307,6ToG1519 the praiseG1868 of the gloryG1391 of hisG846 graceG5485, whereinG1722 G3739 he hath madeG5487 usG2248 acceptedG5487 inG1722 the belovedG25.7InG1722 whomG3739 we haveG2192 redemptionG629 throughG1223 hisG846 bloodG129, the forgivenessG859 of sinsG3900, accordingG2596 to the richesG4149 of hisG846 graceG5485;8WhereinG3739 he hath aboundedG4052 towardG1519 usG2248 inG1722 allG3956 wisdomG4678 andG2532 prudenceG5428;9Having made knownG1107 unto usG2254 the mysteryG3466 of hisG846 willG2307, according toG2596 hisG846 good pleasureG2107 whichG3739 he hath purposedG4388 inG1722 himselfG846:10That inG1519 the dispensationG3622 of the fulnessG4138 of timesG2540 he might gather together in oneG346 all thingsG3956 inG1722 ChristG5547, bothG5037 whichG3588 are inG1722 heavenG3772, andG2532 whichG3588 are onG1909 earthG1093; even inG1722 himG846:11InG1722 whomG3739 alsoG2532 we have obtained an inheritanceG2820, being predestinatedG4309 according toG2596 the purposeG4286 of him who workethG1754 all thingsG3956 afterG2596 the counselG1012 of his ownG846 willG2307:12ThatG1519 weG2248 should beG1511 toG1519 the praiseG1868 of hisG846 gloryG1391, whoG3588 first trustedG4276 inG1722 ChristG5547.13InG1722 whomG3739 yeG5210 alsoG2532 trusted, after that ye heardG191 the wordG3056 of truthG225, the gospelG2098 of yourG5216 salvationG4991: inG1722 whomG3739 alsoG2532 after that ye believedG4100, ye were sealed withG4972 that holyG40 SpiritG4151 of promiseG1860,14WhichG3739 isG2076 the earnestG728 of ourG2257 inheritanceG2817 untilG1519 the redemptionG629 of the purchased possessionG4047, untoG1519 the praiseG1868 of hisG846 gloryG1391.15WhereforeG1223 G5124 I alsoG2504, after I heardG191 ofG2596 yourG5209 faithG4102 inG1722 the LordG2962 JesusG2424, andG2532 loveG26 untoG1519 allG3956 the saintsG40,16CeaseG3973 notG3756 to give thanksG2168 forG5228 youG5216, makingG4160 mentionG3417 of youG5216 inG1909 myG3450 prayersG4335;17ThatG2443 the GodG2316 of ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547, the FatherG3962 of gloryG1391, may giveG1325 unto youG5213 the spiritG4151 of wisdomG4678 andG2532 revelationG602 inG1722 the knowledgeG1922 of himG846:18The eyesG3788 of yourG5216 understandingG1271 being enlightenedG5461; thatG1519 yeG5209 may knowG1492 whatG5101 isG2076 the hopeG1680 of hisG846 callingG2821, andG2532 whatG5101 the richesG4149 of the gloryG1391 of hisG846 inheritanceG2817 inG1722 the saintsG40,19AndG2532 whatG5101 is the exceedingG5235 greatnessG3174 of hisG846 powerG1411 toG1519 us-wardG2248 whoG3588 believeG4100, according toG2596 the workingG1753 of hisG846 mightyG2479 powerG2904,20WhichG3739 he wroughtG1754 inG1722 ChristG5547, when he raisedG1453 himG846 fromG1537 the deadG3498, andG2532 setG2523 him atG1722 his ownG846 right handG1188 inG1722 the heavenlyG2032 places,21Far aboveG5231 allG3956 principalityG746, andG2532 powerG1849, andG2532 mightG1411, andG2532 dominionG2963, andG2532 everyG3956 nameG3686 that is namedG3687, notG3756 onlyG3440 inG1722 thisG5129 worldG165, butG235 alsoG2532 inG1722 that which is to comeG3195:22AndG2532 hath putG5293 allG3956 things underG5259 hisG846 feetG4228, andG2532 gaveG1325 himG846 to be the headG2776 overG5228 allG3956 things to the churchG1577,23WhichG3748 isG2076 hisG846 bodyG4983, the fulnessG4138 of him that fillethG4137 allG3956 inG1722 allG3956.