Ecclesiastes 1 (kjv)


The wordsH1697 of the PreacherH6953, the sonH1121 of DavidH1732, kingH4428 in JerusalemH3389.2VanityH1892 of vanitiesH1892, saithH559 the PreacherH6953, vanityH1892 of vanitiesH1892; all is vanityH1892.3What profitH3504 hath a manH120 of all his labourH5999 which he takethH5998 under the sunH8121?

4One generationH1755 passeth awayH1980, and another generationH1755 comethH935 H935: but the earthH776 abidethH5975 for everH5769.5The sunH8121 also arisethH2224, and the sunH8121 goeth downH935, and hastethH7602 to his placeH4725 where he aroseH2224.6The windH7307 goethH1980 toward the southH1864, and turneth aboutH5437 unto the northH6828; it whirleth about continuallyH1980, and the windH7307 returneth againH7725 according to his circuitsH5439.7All the riversH5158 runH1980 into the seaH3220; yet the seaH3220 is not fullH4392; unto the placeH4725 from whence the riversH5158 comeH1980, thither they returnH7725 againH3212.8All thingsH1697 are full of labourH3023; manH376 cannotH3201 utterH1696 it: the eyeH5869 is not satisfiedH7646 with seeingH7200, nor the earH241 filledH4390 with hearingH8085.

9The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is doneH6213 is that which shall be doneH6213: and there is no newH2319 thing under the sunH8121.10Is thereH3426 any thingH1697 whereof it may be saidH559, SeeH7200, this is newH2319? it hath been alreadyH3528 of old timeH5769, which was beforeH6440 us.11There is no remembranceH2146 of formerH7223 things; neither shall there be any remembranceH2146 of things that are to comeH314 with those that shall come afterH314.

12I the PreacherH6953 was kingH4428 over IsraelH3478 in JerusalemH3389.13And I gaveH5414 my heartH3820 to seekH1875 and search outH8446 by wisdomH2451 concerning all things that are doneH6213 under heavenH8064: this soreH7451 travailH6045 hath GodH430 givenH5414 to the sonsH1121 of manH120 to be exercisedH6031 therewith.14I have seenH7200 all the worksH4639 that are doneH6213 under the sunH8121; and, behold, all is vanityH1892 and vexationH7469 of spiritH7307.15That which is crookedH5791 cannotH3201 be made straightH8626: and that which is wantingH2642 cannotH3201 be numberedH4487.16I communedH1696 with mine own heartH3820, sayingH559, Lo, I am come to great estateH1431, and have gottenH3254 more wisdomH2451 than all they that have been beforeH6440 me in JerusalemH3389: yea, my heartH3820 had greatH7235 experienceH7200 of wisdomH2451 and knowledgeH1847.17And I gaveH5414 my heartH3820 to knowH3045 wisdomH2451, and to knowH3045 madnessH1947 and follyH5531: I perceivedH3045 that thisH1571 also is vexationH7475 of spiritH7307.18For in muchH7230 wisdomH2451 is muchH7230 griefH3708: and he that increasethH3254 knowledgeH1847 increasethH3254 sorrowH4341.